R&D cell Activities
- To promote and facilitate leading edge Research in Science, Engineering and Technology.
- Building, and providing sufficient support for a community of innovative researchers, to enhance research capabilities at the college and to increase internal and external research opportunities for faculty and under graduate students
- Regular communication of Research centre activities and opportunities for faculty and student’s involvement.
- To develop Research proposal for funding from MSME/ DST /DRDO/AICTE/MHRD/UGC etc.
- To organize Seminars/Conferences/Workshops in the relevant area of Science, Engineering & Technology.
- To create state of the art Research lab facility for young engineers to carry out research in inter-disciplinary domains.
- To identify thrust areas and potential for further Research activities
- To identify areas for training to strengthen the R&D culture
- To encourage faculty members of all the disciplines in engineering/science /humanity and management to participate in R&D activities for their professional growth.
Short term Goals
- To motivate faculty and students to participate in Seminars/Conferences/Workshops and share their knowledge and experience.
- To motivate faculty and students to present/publish Research papers in reputed peer reviewed National & International journals and Conferences.
- To motivate faculty and students to design and fabricate and implement viable functional projects for the benefit of the institution. The institution may provide financial support & facilities.
- R&D fund allocation & creation of R&D facilities.
- R & D promotion activities of Staff and Students such participating in conferences, seminars, workshops, etc.
- Organizing Expert lectures delivered by eminent researchers from Industry and Academia.
- Organizing Paper presentation contest for students at national level.
- To promote & keeping track of research publications in conferences and journals.
- Encouraging research proposals for external funding agencies and filing of patents.
- Extending opportunities to faculty members and students doing their projects to participate various projects funded and sponsored by the various apex bodies and organizations like UGC, CSIR, DRDO, DST, AICTE etc.
- Designing norms for promoting research & incentives for motivation.